This measure passed in 2007. According to the measure and the argument in favor, it was to 'complete' the upgrades for physical education facilities. Did it? Then why was "construct/ upgrade athletic facilities, gyms, and play fields including turf" added to the kitchen sink paragraph in Measure O? You just can't make this stuff, folks!
Personally, this was the reason that motivated me. Listen to my story.
The California Constitution on bonds hasn't changed since 2007. The Board gave you a specific (more or less) list of things it was going to spend the money on for Measure Y. Now, it wants to keep you in the dark. Why? Slush fund? Common Core State Standards? You have to pass the bill to see what's in it! Remember that?
If there's one thing that is confirmed over and over again about the Board, it's that the Board doesn't want to tell you what it's plans are. The Board has made no attempt to be transparent in the past. People hide what they're doing for a reason -- they don't want to face the consequences of their actions.
In the last eight years have you ever received a report from the Board telling you exactly what it spent $15 million dollars on? I didn't either. Good luck finding that tidbit of information on the Board's web site. The Board believes that you won't take the time to find out where the money's been spent. It's not going to make it easy for you either. The less transparency the better from the Board's point of view. If you ask too many questions, you might get a sense that you're being sold a bill of goods. Trust your gut. You're being sold.
If you were to read Measure O, which the Board hopes you don't, you might experience deja vu all over again. How much more should you pay for athletics? How many 21st careers are built on athletics? Do you see a pattern developing here? Do you think the Board might ask for more bond money in a few more years? If you put about eight years between bonds, the children of today's parents will have grown up and moved on. The parents won't even remember what they were promised.
PROJECT LIST The Board of Trustees of the Walnut Valley Unified School District evaluated the District's urgent and critical facility needs, including safety issues, class size, and computer technology, in developing the scope of projects to be funded, as developed in both the Walnut Valley Unified School District Facilities Master Plan, approved by the Board on July 10, 2006, and the Physical Education School Facilities Plan presented to the Board on August 6, 2007. In developing the scope of the physical education projects, the District established a Facilities Advisory Committee comprised of teachers, staff, members of the Board of Trustees, and community members and that Committee prioritized all the needs of the District. The Facility Advisory Committee findings and recommendations were received by the Board at its June 6, 2007 meeting. The Board conducted a facilities evaluation and received public input and review in developing the scope of physical education projects to be funded, as listed in the Facilities Master Plan and the Facility Advisory Committee Report. In accepting the Physical Education School Facilities Plan, the Board of Trustees makes five important determinations: (i) as all schools get upgraded so that the District can attract and retain high- quality teachers so too must the supporting athletic facilities be improved; and (ii) the good health and safety of all District students must be enhanced and the District should provide facilities that promote health and safety; and (iii) the District shall insist that all of its school fields, courts and tracks are safe from for student use and efficient for maintenance costs; and (iv) to insure that all schools in the District are comparable with respect to physical education facilities; and (v) the District must apply for State matching funds, but must spend any local bond money to fund the Physical Education Facilities Plan exclusively on schools within the District and shall not allow bond monies to be transferred to the State or any other agency. Both the Facilities Master Plan and the Physical Education School Facilities Plan are on file at the District Office of the Superintendent and include the following projects listed below.(Continued on next page) FULL TEXT OF BALLOT MEASURE Y (Continued) Projects School(s) - Upgrade fields, turf for student Castle Rock Elementary, Cyrus J. safety and ongoing maintenance Morris Elementary, Collegewood cost containment. Elementary, Evergreen Elementary, Vejar Elementary, Walnut Elementary, Westhoff Elementary, Chaparral Middle, Suzanne Middle, Diamond Bar High, Walnut High - Upgrade playground equipment Castle Rock Elementary - Upgrade/provide track Castle Rock Elementary, Chaparral Middle, Diamond Bar High, Walnut High - Improve drainage, artesian wells Collegewood Elementary and surrounding landscape - Replace lunch tables Evergreen Elementary - Upgrade landscape/hardscape Maple Hill Elementary, Diamond Bar High - Provide shade structure Maple Hill Elementary - Expand multipurpose room/ Suzanne Middle performing arts facility - Construct new/renovate existing Diamond Bar High, Walnut High pools - Renovate tennis courts Diamond Bar High - Expand gym Diamond Bar High - Construct facility for large Walnut High athletic events and student assemblies(Continued on next page) FULL TEXT OF BALLOT MEASURE Y (Continued) Each project is assumed to include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, program management, and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed repair and construction projects stated above, the Project List also includes the acquisition of a variety of maintenance and operational equipment, the payment of the costs of preparation of all environmental studies and construction documentation, and temporary housing of dislocated District activities caused by bond projects. The allocation of bond proceeds may be affected by the District's receipt of State matching funds and the final costs of each project. In the absence of State matching funds, which the District will aggressively pursue to reduce the District's share of the costs of the projects, the District will not be able to complete some of the projects listed above. Certain projects may be undertaken as joint use projects in cooperation with other local public agencies. The budget for each project is an estimate and may be affected by factors beyond the District's control. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur, if the Board determines that such an approach would be more cost- effective in creating more enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, including ingress and egress, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, relocating fire access, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. Bond proceeds shall only be expended for the purposes identified herein. The District shall create an account into which proceeds of the bonds shall be deposited and comply with the reporting requirements of Government Code § 53410.(Continued on next page) FULL TEXT OF BALLOT MEASURE Y (Continued) FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY: IN ACCORDANCE WITH EDUCATION CODE SECTION 15272, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILL APPOINT A CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE AND CONDUCT ANNUAL INDEPENDENT AUDITS TO ASSURE THAT FUNDS ARE SPENT ONLY ON SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM IMPROVEMENTS AND FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE. THE EXPENDITURE OF BOND MONEY ON THESE PROJECTS IS SUBJECT TO STRINGENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS. BY LAW, PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL AUDITS WILL BE PERFORMED ANNUALLY, AND ALL BOND EXPENDITURES WILL BE MONITORED BY AN INDEPENDENT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE TO ENSURE THAT FUNDS ARE SPENT AS PROMISED AND SPECIFIED. THE CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MUST INCLUDE, AMONG OTHERS, REPRESENTATION OF A BONA FIDE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, A BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND A SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATION. NO DISTRICT EMPLOYEES OR VENDORS ARE ALLOWED TO SERVE ON THE CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. NO ADMINISTRATOR SALARIES. PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THE BONDS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PROPOSITION SHALL BE USED ONLY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, REHABILITATION, OR REPLACEMENT OF SCHOOL FACILITIES AND SITES, INCLUDING THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING OF SCHOOL FACILITIES AND SITES, AND NOT FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE, INCLUDING TEACHER AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR SALARIES AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES. [-page 5-]IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE Y By Raymond G. Fortner, Jr., County Counsel Approval of Measure Y would authorize the Walnut Valley Unified School District ("District") to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $15,200,000 ("Bonds"). Proceeds of the sale of the Bonds will be used only for improving school grounds, fields and facilities including upgrading tracks, gyms and equipment, adding tennis courts, constructing a Diamond Bar High School pool, and completing upgrades to athletic facilities. Proceeds shall only be used for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure and not for any other purpose, including teacher or administrator salaries or other school operating expenses. The Board of Trustees of the District ("Board") will cause to be conducted annual, independent performance and financial audits until all of the Bond proceeds ave been expended to ensure the proceeds are spent on the projects identified in the Measure. The Board will cause the appointment of a Citizens' Oversight Committee in compliance with Education Code section 15278, within 60 days after the Board enters the results of the election. The Bonds would be issued for a term not to exceed twenty-five (25) years in the case of Bonds issued under the authority of the Education Code, and forty (40) years in the case of Bonds issued under the authority of the Government Code. The tax rate levied to secure the Bonds will not exceed the Proposition 39 limit per one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of taxable property in the District when assessed valuation is projected by the District to increase in accordance with Article XIIIA of the California Constitution. The interest rate on the Bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate allowed by law. The measure requires a fifty-five percent (55%) vote for passage.NOTICE to VOTERS Approval of Measure Y does not guarantee that the proposed project or projects in the Walnut Valley Unified School Disctrict that are the subject of bonds under Measure Y will be funded beyond the local revenues generated by Measure Y. The school district's proposal for the project or projects may assume the receipt of matching state funds, which could be subject to appropriation by the Legislature or approval of a statewide bond measure. [-page 6-]ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE Y Measure Y is a companion measure S for Walnut Valley Unified School District. Measure Y will authorize the renovation of facilities throughout the community that support quality instruction and student safety, health and wellness, including: - Improving school grounds, fields and facilities for safety - Upgrading deteriorating, unsafe tracks, gyms and equipment - Adding tennis courts - Constructing a Diamond Bar High School pool - Completing necessary upgrades to Walnut Valley physical education facilities and grounds Passage of Measure Y will allow the school district to complete these projects at a yearly cost of just $6.37 per $100,000 of assessed value (not market value). Together, Measures Y and S will add less than $30 per $100,000 of assessed value. Measure Y is tax deductible. This Measure will only fund priority projects that are necessary to ensure the health and safety of local students, maintain the learning environment necessary to support excellent student instruction, and provide adequate facilities for local children. All projects to be funded by Measure Y have gone through extensive review by a Walnut Valley Unified School District Facilities Advisory Committee comprised of teachers, parents and local citizens. All Measure S funds will stay in our community to benefit local students. Every dollar must go into classroom, school facility and educational equipment upgrades. No funds can be used for administrative salaries or overhead. Measure Y includes strict fiscal controls and accountabilities. All Measure Y funds will stay in our community to improve the health and safety of students and physical education facilities for the community. Independent Citizens' Oversight and annual independent audits are mandated. No Measure Y funds can be used for administrator salaries or overhead.(Continued on next page) ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE Y(Continued) Both Measures Y and S are supported by a broad coalition of teachers, principals, parents, seniors, business professionals, and community leaders. Help complete Diamond Bar Walnut school facility renovations. Please vote YES on both Measure Y and Measure S. KERRI D. SPRINGSTEEN Teacher, Evergreen Elementary School KARYN SPEAR President, Walnut Valley USD Coordinating Council TANIA Z. CODAY-VOSS Parent RON EVERETT Diamond Bar CIty Councilmember KEN GUNN Retired Walnut High School PrincipalNO ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE WAS SUBMITTED [-page 8-]STATEMENT IN COMPLIANCE - MEASURE Y The voters voting in the November 6, 2007 election on the question of the issuance of $15,200,000 General Obligation Bonds (Physical Education Facilities Measure) of the Walnut Valley Unified School District: You are hereby notified in accordance with Section 9401 of the Elections Code of California of the following: 1. The best estimate from official sources of the tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund principal and interest payments during the first fiscal year after the first sale of bonds (Fiscal Year 2008-2009), based on assessed valuations available at the time of the election and taking into account future growth, is the following: $.00637 per $100 of assessed valuation, which equates to $6.37 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. 2. The best estimate from official sources of the tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund principal and interest payments during the fiscal year after the last sale of bonds and an estimate of the year in which that rate will apply, based on assessed valuations available at the time of the election and taking into account future growth, is as follows: $.00637 per $100 of assessed valuation, which equates to $6.37 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. Year after last sale of bonds: 2013-2014 3. The best estimate from official sources of the highest tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund principal and interest payments on the bonds and the year in which such rate would apply, based on assessed valuations available at the time of the election and taking into account future growth, is a follows: $.00637 per $100 of assessed valuation, which equates to $6.37 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. Year of highest tax rate: Tax is projected to be the same every year. Submittal of the foregoing statement has been approved by the Walnut Valley Unified School District. Sincerely, TIMOTHY P. CARTY
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